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INSPIRATION: ACNE Selow bomberjacket

Is there anybody else who doesn't want to read another post about the pantone colors of the year? Yes? Great, because we all know by now its pink and blue and thats ok for now, really. What is more interesting: ACNE STUDIOS came up with a very sweet bonbon last season - and sadly it was too expensive - even during Sale. More than 600€ is maybe not the amount of money one should spend on a very special Item, which you can not really wear every day. But lucky us got two wonderful alternatives which might solve the pink craving, covered in satin for a while. Honest Talk: I was not able to find the Mango Jacket in Small in Stores, but the Quality of the fabric was not too good - The ADPT. One is not as cheap as the MANGO one, but you definitely feel the difference - also, its not the Pantone color of the year and so you are allowed to wear it in 2017 as well ;) You can get it here.

Photo of Stairs: Baptiste de Ville d'array, First Painting: Helene Delmaire, Colorblock Painting: Heather Day (Untitled, 2005), Fashion Photo: Jil Sander

MIND: Versteckt euch nicht vor idioten #betterthanroosh

Ob Hoax oder nicht, Tatsache ist: 2016 denken einige Männer immer noch, sie dürften mit einer Frau Sex haben wie und wann sie wollen. Auch wenn sie "Nein" Sagt. Denn das heißt nach Roosh V. "Ja". Pick-Up Artists sind zwar nichts Neues, nachdem MTV schon vor Jahren diese lustige Sexismus-Show mit Rumkrieg-Tipps für den einfachen Mann von Heute ausstrahlte. Aber das war damals schon scheiße und heute wird's noch schlimmer: "MAKE RAPE LEGAL" ist eines der Claims, mit denen sich Roosh von den anderen Pick-Up Artists unterscheidet und damit gerade die 15 Minutes of Shame im Internet feiert. 

An dieser Stelle zieht sich meine Stirn zu einer einzigen Falte des Entsetzens zusammen. Und des Mitleids. Was muss in einem Kopf vorgehen, damit man solche Dinge äußert? Öffentlich? Und Zuspruch findet? Ich will es nicht wissen und sehe zu meinem Freund rüber. Er sieht sich ein Video von einer Baby-Ziege an. 

Aber zurück zu Roosh, denn diesen Samstag findet ein Meet and Great der Anhänger statt, in über 165 Städten, in insgesamt 43 verschiedenen Ländern, auch in Deutschland - Damit sie ihre geistreichen und wertvollen Gedanken über die Stellung der Frau in der Gesellschaft teilen können. Also, wozu die Aufregung über Roosh nettes Get-Together? Es war schließlich alles nur Satire, was ich auch sage, wenn ich z.B. ohne Fahrschein erwischt werde.

Roosh ist nur ein Motivationscoach für unterdrückte Männer - sagt er. Ist also die richtige Reaktion auf den Flashmob der Steinzeit Etikette Beileid für alldiejenigen, die sich Samstagabend  versammeln? Wenn man sich ihren geheimen Code ansieht, dann schon: sie fragen, "Where is the Pet Shop?" - um einen potentiellen Anhänger zu erkennen. Die Roosh Antwort lautet "Right here." - AHA! Nach einem freundschaftlichen Beschnuppern geht es dann weiter zum eigentlich wirklich geheimen Treffpunkt, wo sie ihren Plan besprechen wollen, die Herrschaft über die Frau zu erlangen.  Vielleicht passiert das in einem Internet-Cafe. Oder auf einer Bowlingbahn, auf jedem Fall an einem maskulinen Ort! Und mit Decknamen wie "Reese Enpenis" oder "Masko Lin", "Doug E. Style." -   Oder einfach Harald. Denn das sind keine Menschen, die in der Lage sind, ihr Gedankengut bei kritischen und reflektierten Bürgern zu implementieren. Das sind ziemlich arme Männer, die weder unsere Angst, noch unsere Beachtung verdient haben. Und schon gar nicht unsere Körper. 

First Illustration: foreverwonderstruck
quote: le moi being #inspring

Outfit: Layers of grey

Is anybody keen on seeing some outtakes from time to time? I recently collected a few faces of mine, telling stories about my true feelings. Especially when hanging on a parking lot of a wholesale on saturdays with my boyfriend, taking pictures of that sweater. He usually doesn't see it, but the guy from the recycling acceptance is always watching us. Not sure wether I should tell him or not because he tends to be shy. Anyway, this is my happy face, but the outtakes happen to be meme-like hilarious! I truly love them. 
Talking about Love, I am really glad to have Juule over here for the next three weeks. My ever-lasting long-distance friendship goes in the final round, since this year we will both finish our studies. No Idea where that leads us or how long we will stay where, but I definitely know that we will be free to visit each other more often. Studying is not directly the biggest boundary, but being financially limited is. But I know, the day will come when we get payed like champions and then I´ll buy some plane tickets to visit every person I miss. Just like that!

Ich hab beim Fotografieren dieses Posts mein Gesicht teilweise so dermaßen verzogen, dass ich euch mal eben anbieten wollte, ein mal die Woche Outtakes zu zeigen. Oder ein mal im Monat. Naja, es gibt dieses Format schließlich auf vielen Blogs, manchmal mehr oder weniger authentisch. Aber wenn wir zum Parkplatz des Großmarkts gehen (Ihr erkennt die grauen Wände sicher schon), sieht uns IMMER der Mann an der Leergut Annahme zu und irgendwie macht mir das manchmal Angst. Das sieht man dann in meinem Gesicht und das werden absolute Lieblingsbilder.
Wo wir grad bei Lieblingen sind: Meine beständigste Fernbeziehung erlebt gerade ein Revival, weil Juule endlich wieder in Berlin ist. Für satte drei Wochen! UND: Es ist warm draußen, also Frühlingsgefühle von allen Seiten. 

Jacket - Esprit, similar
Shirt - ChoiesVERY similar
Jeans - Dr.Denim 
Shoes - NEOSENS, similarsimilar
Bag - &Otherstories

Jacket - Esprit, similar
Jumper - VILA via Edited
Shirt - Choies, VERY similar
Jeans - Dr.Denim 
Shoes - NEOSENS, similar, similar
Bag - &Otherstories

How to get really famous on Instagram

Are you a Blogger and tired of getting "Sorry at the Moment we are not collaborating with small Bloggers" - Although your Blog is actually amazing and the only thing that is missing are 100K on Instagram? If you do not want to buy some fake followers and you are also too lazy to comment and like on a daily base of 5 hours, here is the ultimate guide to grow real, active followers:

1. You are rich.

Jackpot! You have the financial resources to buy interesting new stuff to show it your followers. New It Bag on the market? Got it. Nike Cortez in 5 different colors? Bitch please, this is my basic wardrobe. Hanging at the Beach of Bali on a saturday afternoon in winter, while everyone else is studying for a test? You are there to make them dream with your amazing feed. Congrats, I follow you.

BONUS: You are adventurous enough to fly every week to a place where I have to save up for for a year.

2. You look like/ are a model.

Genetic Jackpot! I love to look at your "I woke up like this selfies" And your random #nomakeup pictures at the beach or the spa. I just love to see someone without pimples for a whole month, because you never get side effects from your period and a bad hair day is still a perfect-undone-bun day for you.

BONUS: You are rich. Because then you can show something else besides your picture perfect face.

3. You have a talent.

Educational Jackpot! You can sing, cook, paint, dance , workout or take beautiful photos of landscapes or just write those amazing #inspirational quotes? I follow you - because you CAN DO stuff. I am damn jealous when I see you doing squads and I also am damn jealous when you make those #acaibowls with rainbow colored chia super matcha stuff in it.

BONUS: You have money. Because damn, this is what Instagram is basically about and you should forget about that because thats boring. Be yourself and hope that one day PR People will finally get to the point when they understand that only square pictures are not a context and we go back to the basic  Blog we take care of. LOVE to all #richkidsofinstagram out there!
PS: If you are or have a cute pet, there is still a chance to become the manager of a famous acc. Just saying.

credits: rich person: rich russian kids
model: gigi hadid
talent: ezgi polat, nadia damaso, nude yoga girl

Outfit: Uniform of Boredom/ All Grey


Seriously, I am impressed and surprised how much you liked the last post about Instagram. It seems that you all were able to relate to that annoying Image that I wrote about and understood it with a lot of humor! I loved to make some of you smile and definitely will write similar posts more often (: But for now: getting back to the real business with an Outfit - Inspiration. Lets start with a full body picture so you don't have to read the rest of the post. This combination might not be the most exciting one, but all grey, skinny jeans and my Grid scarf are one of those combinations that are easy to play through the days when you don't feel like "fashion". It seems weird to write that on a Fashionblog, haha! But honestly, this is the best sweater in my closet, giftet by adorable Storm of the adorable two for my birthday. I got it wrapped in paper and Immediately knew what it was, ever since Storm is known for her thoughtfulness when it comes to listening. I have dropped how much I loved the sweater on her and that this Mango coziness is sold out everywhere and she got it somewhere and gifted it to me. How often have you met someone who cares so much and pays so close attention to you? I am very proud to call her my friend (:

jacket - Forever21, similar here
sweater - Mango, similar here and here 
skinny jeans - selected femme 
shoes - Esprit similar here and here
scarf - ZARA Men

outfit: Copper Bomber

Back to that parking lot, where I always look to the left to avoid eye-contact with the man who usually watches us taking outfit pictures. I am still very happy because I can brighten up the bad weather visually, with that popping and warm jacket from ADPT. That danish brand with amazing, minimalistic clothes wins more and more my heart with its signature style and that bomber jacket really adds some great characteristics to my rather monochrome look. Also, that is one of the bombers I named as a budget alternative for the ACNE STUDIOS Selow Bomber Jacket, three posts below. That copper Bomber is a very soft and beautiful piece and will definitely become my spring favorite. Forget about pastels, we go for a pop of color now! 

Jacket - ADPT*
Jumper - Shein* similar
Undershirt - ASOS
Jeans - Selected 
Bag - Gerard Darel similar
Shoes - Puma, similar

Valentines day was just weird and how did that happen?

Don't worry, this one is not emotional. Incredible things happened, because, like Juule said, she is my good luck angel. Some of you might have heard rumors about the real estate market in Berlin and that you have to search for a while for 1- or 2 - Room flats. And its actually true, if you cannot pay 15€ per square meter, its impossible to find a home within the actual Berlin (not talking about Spandau and stuff, sorry, Isabelle Marie.) Of course, Berlin is not New York and also not the New York of Europe - but it might be just as hard to find a place to stay for a while without the typical disadvantages: rats, pipe bursts, burglars, mold. 

I took all those thinks because I had no other choice 2 years ago and I preferred all those disadvantages from living somewhere I couldn't feel home at all - and I made the best out of it. I had flowers on a regular basis and tried to save the Ivy but failed 4 times (thank you IKEA for selling plants that die, if you don't take care of them correctly) 

But now, it seems to be different. There is this one man who will live with me and actually, he already does. I recognize that by vacuum cleaning everyday, instead of every second day. This is a major change in my life - the man, not the vacuum cleaning. I never considered myself as the type of woman who would ever live with her boyfriend, because I am an neurotic crazy non-catlady. putting really much pressure on my loved ones to keep things "my way" - when I could simply chill out and let them eat chocolate in my bed. and walk around making a mess.. 
Ok, honestly, I have so much to learn and It seems that we got a hint: We got the one and only flat we looked at together, on valentines day. Sounds cheesy? its cheesy. And I am already excited to tell you more.

Esprit Blazer - Vintage Shirt  - German Below:

 DEUTSCH: Keine Sorge, das hier wird nicht besonders emotional. Eher erstaunlich - Man hört immer die schlimmsten Horrorgeschichten über den Berliner Wohnungsmarkt, als seien es New Yorker Zustände mit Wahnsinnigen, die auf Craigslist darauf warten, einen Interessenten zu kidnappen. Aber Berlin ist nicht das NYC Europas - und vielleicht haben wir deswegen nach nur einer einzigen Besichtigung eine Wohnung bekommen. Günstig, Altbau, Zentral. Klingt komisch, ist auch so - ich warte auf den Hacken ;)

Aber im ernst: Wir hätten sie eigentlich nicht haben können und doch passierte es, dass wir sie beziehen dürfen. Und irgendwie glaube ich, dass es so sein sollte. Mein Freund nennt es "Fügung" - nur um nichts Kosmisches in den Mund zu nehmen, Schicksal schüchtert ja auch leicht ein. 
Ich glaube im Grunde genommen an nicht viel, außer, dass man mit einem Blazer professioneller und vertrauenswürdiger aussieht. Aber ich nahm meinen Mantel nicht ab und wir haben trotzdem eine Zusage bekommen - also woran glauben? 

Ich hab Angst vor dem Zusammenziehen. Ich hatte noch nie einen heterosexuellen Mitbewohner, der auch noch mein Freund ist und ich hätte nicht gedacht, dass ich die "Art" Frau bin, die diesen Schritt wagt. Nicht, weil ich mich nicht binden kann, sondern weil ich niemanden dieses Bündel Zwangsneurosen antun will. Ich bin wie eine verrückte Katzenlady ohne Katzen. Sehr anstrengend und pingelig. Gleichzeitig unsensibel und eigensinnig. Tolle Kombination - Aber mein Freund ist trotzdem jeden Tag bei mir, das merke ich vor allem daran, dass ich täglich Durchsauge. Eine wichtige Veränderung in meinem Leben, der Freund.(Nicht das Staubsaugen.)

Aber ich sehe diese nun Wohnung lieber als Zeichen, oder Fügung - weil wir das beide wollen, freiwillig. Anscheinend darf ich nochmal lernen, was es heisst, wirklich zu teilen. Nicht mehr zu sagen "Geh mal in deine eigene Wohnung, ich habe PMS" - sondern zusammen PMS zu haben. Oder Heißhunger. Oder Beautytage mit Masken. Oder Bad Hair Days. Ich freu mich drauf.

Outfit: Bright spring

 Hello from Alaska, where its cold forever and ever. At least, this is how I feel right now. Brighter Colors, that creamy knit I´ve got for ages and the boyfriend jeans keep me comfortable and warm. I had a whole week full of quality time and work, but the stress made me only post twice last week. I already am sorry, I will do better this week (: Those ZIGN Boots are actually one of the very first signs of spring for me, I never owned bright shoes before and will always keep an eye on the floor when wearing those. So, prepare yourself for another cozy two months until spring finally arrives and allowes some softer textures. I will have figured out how to combine the light creme Boots until then and show you some more combinations.

Jumper: H&M Trend (old) similar here and here
Shirt: Asos Men similar
Coat: &otherstories
Jeans: Esprit *
Shoes: ZIGN*

photos by Storm

Food: Roamers in Berlin

Roamers in Berlin - A nightmare on weekends, but a great place during the workdays in non-eating hours. I mean, like at 15:38 - its a tiny restaurant, they might have less than 10 Tables and its always very crowded. The Bartenders are way too attractive and at the same time, they look exactly like the guests at Roamers. Thats why I asked the wrong person for a seat on a regular basis. However, one day, I managed to get a table. And Food, so here it is, a critique:
The Food: I had French Toast, Juule had some Bread with Peanutbutter and Banana. The Quality was great, but my french toast did taste like bacon and potatoes. Maybe because they fried it in the same pan as everything else. Coffee: Awesome, nothing more to add. 
Price: Coffee: 2-4€, Cake: 4€ +/- Food: 6€
Pannierstraße 64 - Berlin 
open: 9:30 - 19h (no reservations possible)

Outfit: Grid Wall

All grey and a peek of black seem to be the right choice at the moment. Monochrome comforts you until you feel ready for spring and pastels again. And comfort is what I currently need - I had quite an intense week, my little sister stayed with me and made an internship - which is fine, if we would be both technically grown up now. Sometimes you fall back into old habits, behave in old patterns. 
I have the most intense and disturbing fights within my family, which is fine, because I live by myself now. Still, I feel that I am not grown up at all, seeing how I still react to several problems. Do you know the feeling of meeting family or friends, you´ve been knowing your whole life and behaving exactly like in the past? I think this can be very scary. We all develop a personality through our experiences, change from time to time and wouldn't be able to live as younger version of yourself again. Still, we are able to break into that version, if someone else triggers us. They take that little you out of the shell and expose it to the world. And before you even know, they leave and you are "the same" again. The very you, you´ve been without them.

Trousers: Missguided similar here
Top: Asos Men (old) similar here
Bag: &otherstories (old)
Watch: Cluse
Jacket(s): Carin Wester and Zara, similar here 

Inspiration: cold nude Spring


Slippers: ZIGN
Backpack: Horizn Studios
Best Jumper: Vero Moda
Leather Leggings: S. Oliver(on sale)
Nude Lipstick: Artdeco
Necklace: Madeleine Issing (on sale!)
Bra: Breuninger

The sun came out, but still, its damn cold. Thats why I refuse to take off my thermo inlays until april and will keep on rocking those leggings below my pants. However, I found some amazing sale Rest stuff and also the best knot sweater ever. I will keep my eyes open if I spot it offline, since I want to make sure the color is true cream. Enjoy your Friday!

Welcome (BACK)!


Hello from the other side! It must have been two weeks without a life sign, but we are back on track and alive and happy. My Boyfriend and me moved in together in our new flat and are pretty busy with renovations, painting and searching for the perfect interior. Since I must get rid of my single-lady-forever IKEA bed, We will be focusing in the upcoming weeks on Interior and Minimalism. Those two will be a great combination and at the end of that Spring, we will have the ultimate decluttering party. Living out of Boxes, I realized how little of the stuff I own I also actually need. I won't touch anything but my boyfriend jeans and oversized shirts at the moment and for make-up, I keep it just as simple. Thinking about those topics, I will try to use that as a fresh restart and will focus this Blog on Minimal Living, buying less and decluttering. I hope you will like the "New" CRUEL/THING! (german below)
Hallo Ihr Lieben, ich hoffe ihr habt, genauso wie ich und mein Freund, die letzten Wintertage gut überstanden? Nach ganzen zwei Wochen Blog Abstinenz muss ein frischer Neustart her! Und deswegen lassen wir nun eine Menge weg. Wegen des Umzugs lebe ich praktisch aus Kisten und  merke gerade, wie von all den Dingen, die ich habe, auch brauche. Ich laufe meistens in ein und derselben Boyfriend Jeans rum und obenrum ein großes Hemd. Wunderbar bequem, aber nicht Logbar, oder? Ich denke schon. Deswegen soll es sich auf meinem Blog mehr um die Themen Leben,  Minimalismus und Ausmisten drehen. Weniger ist ab jetzt mehr. Ich hoffe natürlich, ihr bleibt mir treu und wir können uns gemeinsam an bewussteres Leben herantasten.



Let´s start the Alphabet of Minimalism. I will show you in the upcoming weeks each sunday a List of minimalistic products, produced ethically, are handmade and unique. You might find some things that you haven't seen before on other Blogs or Magazines. Our Mainfocus will remain: Quality instead of Quantity.

1) Marble Clutch via Selekkt, find it here
2) Phone Case via Dawanda, find it here
3) Wallet via Etsy, find it here
4) Belt, Stowe
5) Shoe Fringes, Aurelie Chadaine 

Next week: B like Bags.

Outfit: The white Shirt

You might have seen this piece around for a while - Bell sleeves, wide cut, white cotton. Its beautiful and I adore this shirt - especially in a simple combination with skinny jeans. The ZIGN Shoes are the pop of "color" - even tough the pastel nude seems too shy to be the pop. The long coat is currently beyond required, because the cold came back again and so did the fashion - boredom (we hope for better days during the easter holidays!). With the Fashion-Boredom the Makeup Boredom took over btw, even if I must admit, that I prefer skipping the eye liner and stay natural. I hope you like that simple look, which seems more like a Uniform for me :) 
I will publish another thought post tomorrow. It seems that the bad weather allows to stay at home and write down thoughts. Despite every personal stress or issues, its currently not possible to ignore the political situation in Germany. I feel a deep shame and powerless, reading news and watching the right-winged actions. I will sort out my mind and write some hard facts down for you tomorrow. I think we should discuss this together!

Shoes - ZIGN
Blouse - H&M Trend, similar 
Coat - &otherstories, very similar here
Jeans - Selected Femme

Pictures by Storm of the Adorable Two

Current Political Issues for people with little attention


I prepared the most important political news for you, based on dpa short news (reliable facts, neutral source.) Since I know that people are so busy nowadays, we still need to be updated and more important: Involved. The current situation is not just about Germany, Brussels or Europe.  Its a whole representation of the current zeitgeist which lacks of sympathy and empathy. We need to get those facts straight first:

1) the right-winged AFD and the Elections in Germany

This is not a secret at all, it was on media everywhere - but to make this more simple: The most radical right-winged Party that appeared in years and also came up with a sick solution for the refugee crisis a few weeks ago: Shooting them at the border - was still voted into the state parliament in already three big federal states. So, after this statement bei Frauke Petri, the Face of the Party, they reached so many votes in the regional elections, which are voted by the german residents? yes, sad but true.

2) Idomeni 

One of the worst Refugee Camps in Europe, it even doesn't seem to be in Europe, thats how medieval the circumstances are. Mothers are giving birth in dirt,  everything is surrounded by garbage and there is no water, no food for the 13.000 People living at the Greek/Macedonian border. Currently, they want to ship everyone away from there, back to greece, turkey (as the deal below) and far away from the security they need. 500 People are currently protesting against their departure. 

3) the EU-Turkey Deal

the basic consent of the deal is, to send back every "irregular" refugee, landing at the greek islands, to turkey - and they are willing to take them back. In exchange, Europe is taking a "regular" syrian refugee from turkey. Sounds like some kind of roulette - exchange with no sense behind it? to me as well. The fact that they want to bring back the refugees to turkey that arrive from the 20.3, makes no sense. Is turkey able to take another millions of people? There are already three million displaced people in turkey, living in terrible camps and this so called "european solution" is just the beginning of a bigger problem, which is not clear in detail yet. 

4) the Brussel Attacks 

the reason, why this post was not written yesterday. The shock is immense, since I don't want to give the IS any platform, I will not mention them again. Those Terror attacks are not the thing we should discuss, since they seem random and not planned from a center, but from personal, decentralized hate. 
I can tell you the numbers of insured, dead people - but those facts don't change the fact, that the fear is taking over and this is what we need to avoid. Its not about "Je suis Paris"- Istanbul, Cote d´Ivoire, Beirut, Brussels, Ankara or Somalia. Its about getting the facts straight and facing the danger, from which we need to protect each other with nothing else than love.  No matter where we are from and how we look like. If we all protect each other, despite any fraud, we can be stronger than that - this is what they want to steal and this is what we don't want to happen. Lets stick together this time. 


MINIMALIST HACKS: How to Pack less


Traveling to sunny Barcelona next week with my amazing Juule, I faced my most hated ritual: Packing. This sounds easy, but its not. I love to travel, but I hate to carry a bag or any luggage with me. Especially from Airport to Airport and then to the Airbnb Appartement - I might be to lazy for low budget journeys without cabs and cars. Anyway, a true minimalist will not need too much and knows how to reduce the content of your bag to a minimum. I collected some tips that helped me a lot to reduce the weight I carry with me, especially on short trips! Us girls tend to take too many pieces of clothing with us, because "just in case..." - so, let us embrace the minimalist philosophy on packing and start! Challenge accepted:

1) One Color Board
For me, this is the most helpful tip: It makes it easier for you to combine every piece with each other! If you get tired of your outfits or you want to change the look real quick, its the best to know already your own preferences. I have chosen White and Black as normal/boring base and love to add natural tones like brown or navy to it. However you like it, you can decide which colors you take with you. Since white, black and grey doesn't count, you can add up to two other colors, to be still able to combine everything while still looking chic.

2) Think in Outfits
You might have known this before. But in the Past, I made the mistake to take uncombined-able and not re-combinable clothes with me such as dresses and Playsuits. Also a minus: If your dress is dirty, its dirty. You cannot change the top or the bottom, its just dirty and the dress-game is over. Think in Outfits and have at least the same amount of bottoms and tops with you.

3) Layer 
Not only because it looks cool - but to stay warm/dress for every weather situation. Its a short play to take of a jumper or to get rid of the thermo long sleeve below your shirt - and also, it makes packing easier, when you travel between two different climate zones. Since I will start in Germany and ists always kinda cold, I will layer everything for the way to the airport and after the arrival, I will just take the five layers off and put them in my bag.

4) Two pairs of shoes 
This sounds like the contrary of minimal packing to you? But its healthier for your feet. If you're like me and Juule, you´d rather spent your 3€ on Ice-Cream than on public transportation and so you will definitely walk. And changing your shoes is crucial for your precious feet. I highly recommend one pair of incredibly comfy sandals - mine are from NEOSENS and have a nice, thicker sole and a pair of Sneakers.

5) Bring your favorite pieces with you
A little bit of home has always be to be with you. The good thing about minimizing overall is, that you really start to appreciate your belongings. Such as your favorite Shirt, Perfume or Sunnies. Wherever you take them, you will have a tiny bit of home with you. Also: As long as they are really your favorites, you know that you took the right things with you and would need something else or more of it.

Striped Shirt by Edited 
Minimal Sandals by NEOSENS
White Shirt by H&M Trend, Similar here
Bomber Jacket by ADPT.
Adidas Stan Smith in white
Cos Culottes in Caramel, Similar here
Long sleeves with Mockneck by Edited
BYREDO Perfume "Mojave Ghost"
Marble Case for Travel Documents Snupped



B Like Bags - I collected some minimalistic, quality bag designers for you, handcrafted, unique designs included! I swear you will find one or more designers, you haven't known before, which was, to be honest, a hard goal since ASOS basically collected every good designer already and there is barely any unknown Designer anymore. I hope you like the selection of minimalistic leather art, I can tell that I crave for 99% of those simple pieces. By the way: feel free to add your favorite designers in the comment section, so I might find some more things I cannot afford ;) next sundays selection will contain: C like Cosmetics. The most beautiful minimalistic packaging and natural ingredients will win!

Basic Class:
Matt&Nat Backpack
Horizn Studios Laptop Sleeve
Fiorelli Round Bag
Royal Republic Shoulder Bag
Naked Vice Trapez Bag

Pre-Mid Class:
Alfie Douglas
Grace Gordon
Studio Cosima

Mid Class:
The Stowe
Lost Property of London

High Class:
MANSUR GAVRIEL: Bucket Bag - Shoulder Bag - Clutch
3.1 Phillip Lim: White Bag - Alix Bag - Bucket Bag
KARA: Backpack - Shoulder bag - Tote

OUTFIT: Grid Jumper and Nude Tones

So, realizing that the sun  is shining again, I will just forget about the applications I have to write now and focus on less important things, that will not decide about the rest of my life: This outfit. I was about to sort out a few things on  my desktop (stuff you do when procrastinating) when I found that grid jumper outfit again. This piece was probably one of the most searched item of mine in the past winter season. I literally searched the whole internet to find a pattern like this one, on a thick knit jumper, I could rock the winter and layer during spring with nudes. And here it is, slightly more cream colored than I hoped, the grid pattern is still on point (also available in black with white grid) - I wore it with my signature Carin Wester Reva Bomber which I get complimented for for a while - the Bomber "trend" still is no trend for me, since its been around for the past 4 years, just no one really cared about it at all haha - also a thing I loved about this outfit is the bag and the scarf which play together so easily as they are camel and powder colored. Nudes are just a great choice with black and white!  However, I hope you like that Monday outfit and you can still enjoy the few days off with your families and friends! Enjoy the Sun,  folks! 

Jacket - Carin Wester Reva/2013 similar here and here
Jumper - cream and black
Shoes - Esprit, similar here
Bag - Forever21 
Scarf - stolen from The Adorable Two, similar here

Minimal Life Hacks: Work Life Balance


Welcher Arbeitstyp bist du?
Als ich den Test im Mailpostfach sah, war mir die Antwort schon irgendwie klar: Ich würde sicher nicht den 9-5 Job machen wollen. Viel öfter sieht man heute, dass der Liebste abends um 23h immer noch seine Arbeitsmails checkt, die beste Freundin beim Kaffee ihren Slack Channel auf online stellt und das selbst du, gibs zu, Sonntags noch ein bisschen Vorarbeitest, um Montag morgen ein wenig entspannter in den Tag zu starten.

Ist das normal? Wo ist die Work – Life Balance?
Meiner Meinung nach ein ausrangierter Begriff, eine Wunschvorstellung, die vor der technischen Revolution entstanden sein muss. Uns stehen heute unzählige Möglichkeiten zur Verfügung, unseren Arbeitsalltag zu gestalten: Co-Working Spaces oder Büro? Neun Uhr Morgens oder 15:32 Anfangen? Über den Tag seine Aufgaben verteilen? Oder doch von Beirut aus noch die ein oder andere Sache erledigen, während die Kollegen von überall auf der Welt in der Skype Konferenz sitzen?

Das alles trifft vorallem auf unsere junge Generation zu, deswegen überrascht es mich nicht, wenn ich, wie viele andere, die am Huawei Mate 8 Podium teilnahmen, „Flex Lover“ sind. Ich teile meine Arbeitsbereiche gerne auf, arbeite aktuell in drei Jobs und studiere noch. Das kann man gut managen, wie ich finde – ein „Ruhetag“ ist mir nicht besonders wichtig, lieber habe ich jeden Tag ein wenig Quality Time mit Freunden und bin lieber bis 21h erreichbar, als Morgens aufzustehen und die Notfälle vom Vortag mit dem Frühstückskakao zu „genießen“.

Was mir schwer fällt:
Eine Balance finden und Prioritäten setzen. Ich kenne mich und weiß, dass ich niemals alles schaffe, was ich mir vornehme. Das ist nicht schlimm, denn meine Arbeitsweise erfordert vielleicht ein wenig mehr Disziplin, vor allem, wenn ich von Zuhause aus arbeiten möchte. Ablenkungen ausschalten fällt mir mittlerweile weniger schwer, früher brauchte ich sogar eine Deadline in weniger als einer Stunde, um wirklich konsequent zu arbeiten. Heute gibt es für Leute wie uns Apps, die uns von Facebook und co. Verbannen, zumindest temporär.

Was ich schon kann:
Abschalten – vielleicht eine der Königsdisziplinen der heutigen Arbeitswelt: Viele setzen fälschlicherweise ihren Job an allererste Stelle. Ich vermeide eine allererste Stelle und messe, je nach Lage, diese lieber meinem Privatleben zu. Der Freund, meine Freunde und Familie sind Dinge, die ich vor und nach dem Job noch habe und dementsprechend stelle ich die Beziehungen nicht ein, um sie bei ruhigeren Arbeitszeiten wieder in der Mikrowelle aufzuwärmen. Abschalten geht, sogar einfach wenn man es noch nicht ganz alleine kann: mit „Offtime“ - einer App, die uns während des Workshops mit Huawei vorgestellt wurde. Damit ist man offline, und die Mitarbeiter erfahren es per App, nur wichtige Anrufe vom ausgewählten Kreis dürfen durchgestellt werden und man kann endlich wirklich abschalten. Digital Detox oder eigentlich einfach normal.

Ich habe während des Workshops und der Huawei Mate 8 Podiumsdiskussion eine Menge Input mitnehmen dürfen – und ich werde ihn definitiv in meine Arbeitsalltage einbeziehen. Prioritäten setzen, aus seiner Comfortzone rausgehen, Spaß bei der Arbeit haben und sich stetig weiterbilden dürfen. Das klingt doch nach einem Plan! Wenn Ihr auch herausfinden wollt, welcher Arbeitstyp ihr seid, könnt ihr den Test hier machen – wir sehen uns in der Mittagspause!

OUTFIT: The happiest color

Not quite sure what to tell you about this minimalistic look. Its all black, features a pair of culottes I found on sale recently and also, as always, flat sneakers. To be more precise: Slippers. A last years trend, which is timeless, just as the Bomber jacket. Also, I find it very funny that the Bomber jacket has been around for years now but you see it on so many people at the moment.  All Black is always a good option, but doesn't reflect my feelings at the moment - I had the pleasure to spent nearly a week in Barcelona, with my very best friend Juule. She also brought up this amazing GUIDE for the perfect city stroll. I don't know where to start when talking about this trip, so I will keep a own post for that. I just can tell: I never ever had such a beautiful start in spring, ever. 

Shoes - ZIGN
Jacket - Carin Wester (similar and on sale here or here)
Culotte - Zara (similar and on sale here)
Top - Mango (similar here, here and here)
Bag - Mango (old)

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