This look is my happy color - all black everything is totally fine during summer, especially in that airy slip dress, I found at &otherstories. Unfortunately, its already full of pilling after only a few times of wearing. What happened to necessary things, such as quality? However, you might see the tiny key-piece of the look: I am finally okay with wearing chokers (only 2 years after calling them another trendy piece of accessory.) And must admit: Still now, after chokers have been around for a while, people give me the look. This one weird stare, that I usually get when I do something completely fierce. Like skipping a line, wearing a blouse buttoned down, or very dark lipstick during the daytime (so fierce, I know.) But the choker seems to have its own charm. Somewhere between the dusty 90´s memories of mine, there they are, hidden and forgotten on purpose. I like their comeback and couldn't care less that it looks basic. I am basic. At least in this outfit post - and shoutout to my boyfriend who was so patient to take the pictures during the rare moments of sunlight.
Dress - & other stories, better here or here
*Sunnies - Ace & Tate here