Of course I don't have a clue what the perfect gifts for your friends are. But I can categorize some Girls in the Squad and maybe one of those is exactly your friend. I mean, everybody knows at least one of them - That Relationship Person, the one who is always confused, the fashion-obsessed one, the foodie, the ambitious tough one, the pizza lover (well who is not a pizza person?) I only wanted to give some inspiration, there might be one or two items you could consider in those hard times, enjoy:
- for your one friend, who always loses her hat in the subway, uni, at the club or in her wardrobe: Asos burgundy hat
- for your one friend who has a boyfriend and basically never leaves the house during the cold months cause she found someone to cuddle with and doesn't need her friends anymore: blanket
- For your one friend who is ambitious, works in a start-up and manages her hair-care at the same time while being bold enough to read during her very few breaks: Girl Boss
- for your one friend who knows what really is important in life and orders shitty pizza from time to time (by accident) and has the best Pretty little Liars nights with you: pizza spice
- for your all black everything friend who happens to be a food-blogger or at least has a weakness for nice #foodporn on instagram (but secretly eats hawaii toast with you): mug & plate
- for your one and only best friend on earth who deserves a golden ring for having a heart of gold: pineapple ring
- For that girl you always borrow clothes and accessories from, cause she is the best (a present for yourself too): Asos velvet bag
- for your one friend who got her life together, suscribed Kinfolk, owns a whole lot of marble stuff and puts her shirts in an alphabetic order: copper magazine holder