Jackpot! You have all the Skin Problems that do exist in only one Face? Congrats, you´re like me and probably even take care of it and have a healthy diet. However, sometimes (like in my case) Hormons won't stop bothering you unless you get your wrinkles and have other problems then. I only wish to have a few years without red spots or Acne-breakouts and feel as pretty as I feel inside (haha) What I tried before I got a little Progress ( I am not talking about a big wonder, but I can tell you a quite good combination to get your facial shit together before your next date):
When I was a Teenager, I had the normal Skin Problems that seemed to disappear when I was 19. The Problem is, that I was on the birth control pill and then just stopped taking it anymore, since I hadn't had a boyfriend. Then some weird things happened and my hormones went crazy and I got some serious Acne Breakouts on my cheecks and on my forehead and basically everywhere else, too, only a bit less than on those big spots. That was terrible, trust me. whoever is interested, I can send you some old pictures, but am too ashamed to post them here. so here is a history of what I tried:
Dr. Haushka Facial Oil - should have stopped my skin from producing too much oil, but actually clogged the pores
Dr. Hauschka Day Cream - Was pretty much okay but made my Make-up disappear
No Daycream - No soft skin, I got dry spots as well as I had my Breakouts.
Aroma Derm Green Tea - was okay, but literally changed nothing
and so on. I then Ordered Avene Triacneal because a friend with similar skin problems told me about it (although she even didn't tried it at the moment) it has a little fruit acid and I got it at the pharmacy. It was with 17€ a bit expensive but it lasts for 9 months now and I am using it daily. I combined it with a really light day cream and now, during the summertime, I am using the light daydream with SPF 20. I am using this now since I would like to avoid wrinkles for at least a bit. The daycream is amazing, because its so light but moisturizing that you don't need anything else for the rest of the day. You apply it in the morning after cleaning your face. But to be honest, you can find something cheaper I guess (its 19€ but also lasted like 8, 9 months) But the real deal is the Triacneal Cream. You can apply it on your red spots only or on your whole face. It needs a little time to start working (a week or two?) but then shows some progress. I would definitely buy it again as a night cream. But there is one problem: If you have a sunburn or extreme acne, you shouldn't use it. It has a little fruit acid in it and burns on scratched spots and would hurt. A common mistake is to use harsh treatments on skin, that actually need a gentle care. And if you have only mid-sized problems, you would definitely be happy with it.
(this post is not sponsored and reflects my opinion. Also, it worked well for me and my skin)